Saturday, April 25, 2009

You get what you pay for!

I know that it has been a while since my last post (sorry Jaime!!!), but school is getting the best of me. Unfortunately, that means that my family, often, is getting the worst of me (when they get any of me at all!). There have been several things that have happened in the last month that were definitely blog worthy, and I wish that I had taken the time right then to post them. Then they would've been more fresh in my mind and the story would be more accurate. I'll do my best with the recap...

I titled this entry "you get what you pay for" for a very good reason. There are things that my kids have done in the last month to prove this statement to be true. First I will offer a bit of background.

When Hayden was just a baby, I brought up the topic of Christian private schooling. I didn't want to get heavy into the discussion, just wanted Matt to know that I was interested. I was blown off. Matt said to me, "Why would you pay for a thing that you can get for free?" That is a very good question. Especially if you were raised in the school districts that he and I both were. He started in the small town school of Stephenville in 1st grade (he went to Kindergarten in another town). I started my school in Kindergarten. We both continued through our schools until graduation. Although I wasn't raised in a truly small town, our school district had a bit of a small town feel. My parents were at least familiar with most of the parents in my school. They knew many of the teachers before we had them. Neither Matt, nor I, were in a school where our safety was in question. Both of our schools had exceptional test scores. I even remember that there was prayer in my school up until about the fifth grade. Even when that was removed, it was not replaced with something that we didn't agree with.

As luck would have it, or fate, or karma, or (more likely) God's will, Matt was placed in an elementary school when Hayden was about 18 months. Over the next couple of years, he was exposed to all kinds of unmentionable things. As Hayden got closer to school age, he began to question what he had said before. After a particularly hard day at school, he came home to tell me that he could not, in good conscience send our kids to public schools. The very next day I turned in our deposit to Southwest Christian before he could change his mind.

In the last year, Hayden has learned and grown so much. He is such a sweet boy. He can write his name, and can copy any other word you write for him. Just last week, he read his first book!!! I don't mean that he picked up a book that had been read to him many times before and recited it from memory. It was a book that was new in our house and his Daddy helped him sound out each word. Since then, he has read at least one other book. On the day that he read the first one, Matt told me thank you again for talking him into this move.

A couple of sweet stories that have happened in the last month:

I was always a bit hesitant to approach the subject of death with the kids. I thought they were too young and that we would discuss it later. In prayers, I would just thank Jesus for what he did for us. To my surprise, the week before Easter, Hayden told me in the car that Jesus had died for us. "But don't worry, Mama, he came back on the third day!" He first said that he was really glad that Jesus died. Then he said that Easter was his favorite day because "that is why we live". Still can't even type that without tearing up!

Wednesday night, I had both of the kids sleep with me because I missed them so much. In the middle of the night, Matilyn started whining about something and Hayden reached over to pat her. He said, "Don't worry, Matilyn, God is in your heart." What a sweet brother comforting his sister. Don't be afraid, he was telling her, God is always with us.

On Friday, I was helping Hayden get ready for school and he started talking about God. He just said that it makes God very sad when people don't believe in him just because they can't see Him. He said that we don't have to see Him because we feel Him in our hearts. He said that he could feel Him in his heart everyday.

It's moments like these that make me so proud of the choice that Matt and I made to send him to SCS. Sure, he could be attending a school for free, but would such things be reinforced on a daily basis by such a variety of people he respects? I know that a Christian education starts in our home, but I'm really glad to have such good backup!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sick kids

Spring break is meant for fun times....right? Wrong! When you are 5 years old it might mean that you spend half of the week sick with the flu. Hayden came down with a fever on early Monday morning and was sick until Thursday. Matilyn got sick on Wednesday and was sick until Monday. And now Hayden has been sick since then....baaaadddd spring break!

But don't you worry! While Hayden was well, he went to Throckmorton with his Daddy and went fishing. They also went looking around for prey with a fresh new B B gun (yes you heard me right, and, no, I didn't OK this decision!!!!!!!). They had the greatest time! Hayden caught lots of fish (to the point that he told his daddy that he would wait until he caught his first fish to catch another one himself!). Then, Matt saw a rattlesnake and shot it with a shotgun. Hayden was allowed to shoot the same snake with his gun and saw it as a great discovery. From Matt's account, the trip was a success and they had great "guy" fun. They ate ice cream for meals and laughed a lot.

Now, Hayden is on the mend from his latest sickness and can't wait to get back to school. He has hated that he has had to stay home and just lay on the couch. I just hope that the illnesses are all over and that we can thoroughly enjoy the rest of our spring and summer.

A few funnies: I was at Wal-Mart recently with Hayden and he was sitting in the cart. I was pushing the cart through the way and he heard a sound. He said that I "tooted". I swore that I did not. He fought with me saying loudly for all of the customers to hear that I had. I finally had to admit that I had (I hadn't) so that he would stop loudly accusing. Thanks, kid!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Break

So sad to report that Hayden has been sick today. He woke up in the night and seemed fine, but when I touched him he was on fire. 103 degrees. No complaints. I gave him some medicine and he slept through the night and woke up with the same. He spent much of the day on the couch with a pitiful look on his face, never complaining, just a sad look. I would give him some Motrin and his fever would break. He would play for a while and then the fever would come back. He said that he hurt all over. Guess the flu shot had lost its potency. He was good enough to go to dinner at his favorite place(Cici's) and came home energized. He was very ready for bed and when I checked on him he was really breathing fast. He hasn't coughed all day or I would be worried. I just think that he tries to breathe through his nose and that it tends to close at night (like mother, like son). I just pray for his health and healing now. I want him to enjoy his Spring Break and I pray that none of the family picks up his awful germs. Fat chance, huh?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

We had a wonderful weekend with the family. Both Halter and Jaime (with Robert) came in for the weekend as we were celebrating both the 58th birthday of our Mom and the 40th anniversary of our parents. We had a very special photo session with our whole family that Jaime coordinated at the Botanic Gardens in Fort Worth. I expect high quality photos that last through the ages. Although it was 40 degrees and misting rain, I have to say that the whole family looked beautiful and that I believe that the pics will be perfect! The gray clouds only accentuated the green grass and plants that were around us. We will all have Jaime to thank for the coordination of this event and making this happen. She is, after all, the event coordinator of the family. Thank you, Aunt Jaime for all the work you have done!

The kids enjoyed their aunts and grandparents over the weekend. They loved spending time with all of them and having attention showered over them. I am so thankful for all of the people that love my kids. It just reinforces what I am trying to do with them.

Monday, March 9, 2009

My birthday!!!

Today was my birthday. It should be a day of pampering and fun, but instead it was a day that I spent with requirements for school. So, of course, I was happy when the day was over and I could come home to my family. I was happy to spend the day with my family. Matt suggested that we find a sitter and go out on a date, but I thought that it would be better to just spend the night with my whole family.

When I walked through the door, the kids were wrapping their presents for me. Hayden made great pains to hide his present from me while Matilyn required my help to finish wrapping my present. The present from Hayden was one of his trains, which is so sweet considering how much you love your trains. The train was "Lady". I know that there was no real thought put into which train he gave me, but it still has a message. Matilyn gave me the photo book that Granny just gave her on Sunday. It was full of photos of the birth of Hayden. Both were beloved presents because they were from my beloved.

We had a great meal together and then bedtime. I am so thankful for my family and on my birthday I just can't help but think that there is no greater gift than the love of my family. I thank God for all of them and wish for a blessed year. Who cares about the number, really?

Friday, March 6, 2009

The weekly update

Isn't it funny how the greatest, worst, funniest, etc things happen at Wal-mart (more about that later). This week started with a big decision to fire my cleaning lady. Since I was not going to be studying, I kept Matilyn home while I cleaned. She and I ran errands and she played while I cleaned. I felt very productive and very June Cleavor. I think I did a better job than she did and I saved us some money (important since I can't work as much these days). She and I had some good cuddle time during breaks. I loved this alone time with her!

Later I picked up Hayden and we all went to Wal-Mart for some groceries. Hayden acts like he is on crack when we go into stores. He picks up everything and asks "do we need this". It's not just junk and treats, it's cans of veggies, obscure produce, meat products we never use... So I spend my time in any grocery store saying "no, no, no....get back here...stay close to me please...stop fighting over space in the cart!!!!" By the time we left there I felt like a crazy woman. As we passed the little rides and gumball machines in the lobby, they asked if they could have a treat. I told them that, no, treats are for kids that behave very well in the store and that they hadn't made the cut. To this Matilyn replied that I was not "letting Christ rule in my heart" because I wasn't letting her have whatever she wanted. Teach me to let her learn scriptures!!!!!

On Tuesday I had my first clinical for grad school. I was very nervous, but it turned out fine. I visited older people in their homes and afterwards made my parents promise me that they would stop aging now. I can't imagine seeing them as they go from healthy working people to dependant pts. I told them that they would have to die at the ripe old age of 105 just after I have left this life. I can't imagine ever being ready to see them in that state.

On Wednesday, Hayden had a field trip to a concert about Cat in the Hat. He stated that he had had the "best day ever!" I was very sad that I was unable to go with him since I was in school, but they required that any parent going have enough space for 4 kids. Couldn't have gone anyways.

On Thursday, I had school and got home early enough to enjoy my family. The weather has been so great. They love to just play outside with their friends. Today, after I picked up Hayden, we went shoe shopping. We were in Famous Footwear when a man walked in with a doo-rag with skulls and a T-shirt with a cross and more skulls on it. Hayden remarked (very loudly in his funny tone of voice) that this man "must be a pirate". He kept saying, "Hello Mr. Pirate!" Very loudly. Thank God the man never responded or even knew he was referring to him.

Tomorrow, I am working and Matt is taking the kids to Stephenville to visit family. They are so excited about this. They went to bed without problem knowing that tomorrow holds such exciting things.

I love chronicling (is this a word) all of the funny things that happen in the life of my family. I know that we will all appreciate this someday!

Friday, February 27, 2009

A week in the life

It has been such a crazy week (but what week isn't in this house?). Monday started with all of us being a bit under the weather. Nothing big, just a bit of coughing and congestion. We have really been blessed in regards to illnesses this season! I had a test on Wednesday, which I could've done better on, so there was a lot of studying (not enough). I had school on Wednesday and Thursday, but I'm always home early on Thursday, so it's a fun family day. It was in the 80's most of the day, so when I got home there was several hours spent outside talking with the neighbors while the kids rode bikes and played with the neighbor kids. I remember times that those when I was a kid. Mom and Dad were talking with friends, so we got to stay outside later than usual. So fun!

Today was really great. The weather wasn't as nice, but we took advantage anyway. After school, Hayden and I went to the Mall and walked around. I love the time that I get to spend with him after school. He gets out at 2:10 and that is right at the end of Matilyn's nap time, so I don't rush right over to get her. I let her wake up, eat her snack, and play for a while before I pick her up. Meanwhile, Hayden and I get some quality mother-son time in. So we went to the mall, and he was so cute that he got whatever he wanted. Then we went and picked up Matilyn and went home. We had one of our famous field trips. The kids got on their bikes, and Matt and I followed on foot with Brownie in tow. As we started to the park, Matilyn started doing the pee-pee dance. Matt and Matilyn headed home and Hayden and I went to the park. We hadn't been there 5 minutes when Hayden needed to rush home to poo-poo. When we got home, Matilyn was still picking out a new outfit. We took care of business and set out for the park again. This time, Matt was smart and decided to take the car in case of emergency. Sure enough, as soon as we got to the park, Matilyn needed to go home to potty. As soon as they returned, Hayden needed to go home. So Matt was on potty patrol. We had a really great time nonetheless. Right now they are drawing behind me and Hayden is teaching Matilyn her numbers. What better teacher could we use?

Funny or sweet things said this week: In the parking lot of Wal-Mart on Monday, Hayden stopped when he heard a siren, clasped his hands, and started praying to God that the person that the ambulance was going to was ok. He repeated this the next day in the car and Matilyn joined in. Just a few minutes ago, I ran to the potty and really made a big show about needing to go really bad. When I sat down, Matilyn clasped her hands and said, "Praise God. Mama made it to the potty. Thank you God for helping her to make it to the potty." (FYI....There is never a problem with that). Aren't kids sweet!